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이스라엘에서 대형 산불, 40명 사망 - 동영상뉴스

by 현상아 2010. 12. 3.
1이스라엘 북부 하이파 인근 카멜 산간지역에서 12/2일(현지시간) 역사상 가장 큰 산불로...최소 40명이 사망하고 수십 명이 부상했다고...


베냐민 네타냐후 총리는 "이것은 전례없는 크기의 재앙이다"고 ....



자연원리적 7가지 공식만 알면 100배 영어잘하는법(후불제증명)-english119.goos.net  샘플다운/한국토종영어공식



Israel battles biggest wildfire in its history
The Israeli emergency services are struggling to cope as a wildfire sweeps across the north of the country, killing up to 40 people.



A large number of the dead were believed to be Israeli prison wardens on board a bus who had been sent to evacuate prisoners from a local jail as a wall of flame advanced across the forested slopes of the Biblically fabled Carmel Mountains.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has appealed for international assistance as his attempted to come to grips with one of the deadliest disasters in its 62-year history.

"This is a disaster of unprecedented proportions," he said.






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