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운하 제방둑 붕괴 사고- 미국

by 현상아 2008. 1. 6.
The Truckee Carson Irrigation Ditch gave way causing much of Fernley, Nev., to be flooded Saturday, Jan. 5, 2008. The levee ruptured after heavy rainfall, pouring more than 3 feet of near-freezing water into hundreds of homes and stranding 3,500 people across a square mile in their desert agricultural town, authorities said. Crews are already working to fill in the bank that gave way. (AP Photo/The Gazette-Journal, Marilyn Newton)/2008-01-06 07:04:41/

네브래스카주 펀리 운하제방둑이 폭우로 터져 1평방마일의 농가주택지에 수백채의 가옥을 침수시키고 3천500명을 고립시켰다(AP=연합뉴스)<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

