속보- 7.8 지진 발생 후 뉴질랜드 지진 해일 경고(동영상뉴스)
질랜드 북부 케르메덱제도 앞바다에서 규모 7.8의 강진이 7일 새벽(현지시각) 발생했다고 미국 지질조사국(USGS)이 발표...
New Zealand tsunami warning after 7.8 quake
www.english119.ba.ro www.health119.ba.ro
New Zealand tsunami warning after 7.8 quake The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center canceled a tsunami warning less than an hour after it was issued Wednesday for Kermadec Island, Tonga and New Zealand after a tsunami was detected following a major earthquake nearby. A tsunami warning has been issued for New Zealand following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake has struck off the Kermadec Islands this morning. Canceled
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has issued a warning for New Zealand, Tonga and the Kermadec Islands. The Kermadec Islands are a island chain 800km north of New Zealand.
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