북 인도네시아에 강력한 지진 (6.5 규모) 발생 했다고 영국 BBC가 보도를 하였습니다.
Page last updated at 07:21 GMT, Saturday, 4 April 2009 08:21 UK
An earthquake has hit north of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the country's meteorological agency says.
The 6.5-magnitude quake struck 10 km (6 miles) beneath the earth's surface with an epicentre 117 km off the coast of the Talaud islands, the agency said.
There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties and no tsunami warning was issued.
Indonesia is in a zone known as the Pacific "ring of fire", which is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity.
In December 2004, a huge earthquake off Indonesia's coast killed hundreds of thousands of people across the Indian Ocean by triggering a tsunami.
우리나라에도 어저께(4/2) 강화 부근에 지진규모 3.0 이 발생 하엿지만 피해는 없다고 합니다.
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