멕시코만(걸프만)의 기름 오염의 심각성 라이브 현장CCTV
영어 잘 하시는분 아래 해설좀 부탁함다^^*
Please be aware, this is a live stream and may freeze or be unavailable from time to time. Additionally footage may be off-line due to ROVs being out of service due to maintenance and/or operational task-specific breaks.
For the first 12 hours on June 30 (midnight to noon), approximately 6,085 barrels of oil were collected and approximately 4,145 barrels of oil and 24.9 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.
On June 29, total oil recovered was approx. 25,220 barrels:
approx. 17,025 barrels of oil were collected, approx. 8,195 barrels of oil were flared, and approx. 57.4 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.
Oil collection volumes were lower on the Enterprise on June 30th due to lightening storms from 9am until 11:45am CDT
Updated June 30 at 6:00pm CDT
한민족 고유의 仙道수련 한국전통명상방편 ☜ 7가지공식으로 100배빠른 기적의 영어암기 혁명개혁Ⅰ자격증정보지원 무료자료 Ⅰ쌀눈이 살아있는 쌀눈세상! 왕눈쌀! 황금쌀!
Ⅰ 기적의 병 치료 비법 건강혁명 집에서 자연정혈 어혈제거요법 Ⅰ
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