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영국 스코틀랜드, 이상 한파·폭설에 휴교령

by 현상아 2010. 12. 1.

폭설과 한파로 인하여  북아일랜드, 잉글랜드, 영국 스코틀랜드,지역의 학교 수백 곳이

임시 휴교를 했다고....

잉글랜드 북부 뉴캐슬 공항을 비롯해 스코틀랜드 에든버러 공항 등의 항공기 운항이 중단됐고

잉글랜드 콘월 지역에서는 전기공급이 끊겼답니다. 

이번주 어느곳은 최저 영하 20도까지 떨어질 것으로 예보했다고 합니다.





자연원리적 7가지 공식만 알면 100배 영어잘하는법(후불제증명)-english119.goos.net  샘플다운/한국토종영어공식


The Met Office has issued severe weather warnings of widespread icy roads to Grampian, Strathclyde, Central, Tayside & Fife, South West Scotland and the Lothian and Borders regions.

Trains travelling in and out of Glasgow and Edinburgh have been severely affected by the adverse weather conditions and Edinburgh Airport was closed again this morning as staff struggled to keep the runway clear.

Temperatures plunged to minus 14 last night in parts of Moray, and forecasters are predicting the country could see minus 20C (minus 4F) in some areas later this week as heavy snow continues.


London wakes up to snow

자연원리적 7가지 공식만 알면 100배 영어잘하는법(후불제증명)-english119.goos.net ☜ 샘플다운/한국토종영어공식


Londoners woke up to a thin dusting of snow amid reports that the “big freeze” could reach every part of Britain.

Forecasters predicted that up to three inches (8cm) could fall on higher ground in London and the South East during the day as the heavy snow spreads south.

Blizzards that have blighted Scotland and the North East in recent days brought up to two inches to the Midlands overnight and could reach the capital, as well as parts of Wales and the South East.



