모든 시기 중에서 가장 무서운 유행병으로부터 스스로를 지키는 법 : 4G와 LTE 휴대폰 인터넷과 와이파이 1
How to Protect Yourself From the Largest Pandemic of All Time: 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi 1
By Martin Möhrke
Apr 7, 2013 - 3:51:34 AM
깨우는 시간 Waking Times
많은 이들이 휴대폰이나 와이파이 등의 무선장치가 내는 전자파에 노출되는 일이 어떤 결과를 초래하는 지 여전히 모르고 있다. 일부 예외적으로 이것들이 부작용을 항의하고 정확하게 아는 이들이 있을 뿐이다. 그이들은 아주 작은 그룹이다. 긍국적으로는 어떤 살아있는 개체들이 인체세포에 전자파 방사의 영향으로부터 피할수 없다.
Many people are still unperturbed by the possible consequences of exposure to mobile phones, wireless networks and other radiation producing apparatuses. With the exception, of course, of those people who have acute complaints and are quite aware of their effects. That is, however, a small group. Ultimately no living being escapes the influence of unnatural radiation on the cell structures of the body.
유럽의 몇개 나라는 국민을 보호하는 조치를 취했다, 그 나라는 국민에게 휴대폰 기기에 대해서 경고 딱지를 붙이게 하는 조치를 취할뿐이다.
프랑스는 15세 어린이가 GSM 휴대폰을 사용하는 걸 금한다. 유럽 공의회는 학교에서 휴대폰과 와이파이 인터넷 사용을 완전히 금지하라고 권고한 조치를 통과시켰다. (출처 : 유럽 공의회 12608, 2011년 5월6일)
불행히도 네델란드는 어떤 조치도 취하지 않았다.
There are only a handful of European countries that take measures to protect their citizens, by informing them and enforcing mandatory warning labels on the packaging of mobile apparatuses. In France it is forbidden for children under 15 years of age to use GSM. The European Council has passed the resolution wherein they advise a complete restriction of mobile phones and wireless internet in schools (Source: Council of Europe, Document No. 12608, 6 mei 2011). Unfortunately in The Netherlands nothing has yet been done about this resolution and it is likely to be years before that changes.
한편 의사와 의료진들은 수많은 질병사례가 계속 증가하고 설명할 수 없는 불평에 대해 보고한다. 최근의 새로운 의료 장비나 혈액 검사, 살리바 조사장치를 통해 전자파 폐해 사례가 보고되는데 환자의 3명중 하나가 전자파 과잉 노출이 원인이라고 나타난다. 이런 사실은 의료계에서 그리 널리 용인되지 않음은 불행한 일이다.
2012년에 오른 보고는 환자 30명 중에 1명이 전자파 스트레스에 관한 것이었다. 한편 그것을 3명중 하나로 보는 견해가 있다. 만성 질환을 호소하는 300명 환자중 138 경우가 주요원인이 전자파 장애라는 연구보고가 있다. 놀라운 소식이다.
3세대 휴대폰 통신과 와이파이 인터넷이 크게 증가한것이 문제를 크게 키웠다. 우리는 스스로 자문하는데 휴대폰 4세대와 LTE 가 도입된 이래로 무슨 일이 벌어졌는가 이다.
Meanwhile in the practices of doctors and other physicians there is a continuous increase in the number of people with chronic and seemingly inexplainable complaints. From measurements using new medical devices, blood measures or saliva examinations it appears that the cause in 2012 in one out of three patients is radiation overload. Unfortunately this fact is not widely realized by the medical profession. In 2002 about one in 30 patients were radiation stressed. In the meantime that has become one in three. Amoung 300 patients with chronic complaints, research showed that in 138 cases the major cause was radiation. Shocking news. Since the large scale introduction of 3G and Wi-Fi/hotspots the problem has become considerablely larger. We should be asking ourselves what will happen after the introduction of the fourth generation 4G/LTE mobile network.
혈액 검사를 해보면 전자파 폐해는 이온화가 되지않아도 인체에 막대한 영향을 끼치는데 혈액 아드레날린 수치가 높아지고 부신피질 홀몬 수치도 높아진다. 또 다른 수치가 높아지는데 혈압이 역시 올라간다.
심박수의 변동치가 커지는 것도 문제다. 휴대폰 전자파에 노출되면 변동치가 즉시 바뀌는 것이다. 가령 MRI/PET, 적외선 스캔 infrared scans 을 하면 바로 뇌 온도와 피부온도가 바뀌는 것을 알수있다.
플랑크톤의 실험에서 와이파이 신호와 3G/4G 전자파가 가해지면 플랑크톤은 죽거나 기형상태가 된다. 이 실험은 와이파이는 96시간 해본 것이고 3G 는 72시간, 4G 는 48시간 만에 벌어진 일이다. 그럼 우리 인체 세포엔 어떤 일이 벌어지나?
프로고스 시스템은 피부 저항치를 측정해서 다음의 결론을 내려준다.
During blood measurements we see that exposure to (non-ionizing) radiation not only has enormous effects on such things as the adrenal blood values and cortisol levels, but also in numerous other blood values as well as blood pressure. Also the values of a Heart Rate Varialbility measurment change immediately upon exposure to one or more forms of non-ionizing radiation. In various measurements with other medical apparatuses one can see changes of all sorts of levels. In MRI/PET and infrared scans one can notice within seconds changes in the brain or skin temperature. In experiments where plankton have been exposed to WIFI and/or 3G/4G radiation the plankton dies or is deformed within several days. With WIFI it takes about 96 hours, with 3G about 72 hours and with 4G it occurs within 48 hours. What is it then doing with our cells?
With the Prognos system, a measurement method that reproducibly measures skin resistance, one can now also interpret and draw conclusions.
위의 신호중 녹색은 건강한 상태를 보여준다. 파랑색은 어떤 보상을 해야하는 것이다. 빨간색은 비장, 간장 자오선인데 그것이 저급한 에너지상태였다가 높은 에너지 상태가 가해졌을 때 반응한 것을 측정한 것이다.
Chart 1 shows a measurement of the meridians. A meridian is connected to all organs, systems and functions in the body. The green line shows the situation of someone who is optimally healthy. The blue line is the situation as we are with any compensations. Through a small provocation and a new measurement (red line), we see where the actual weaknesses are. We can see left of the red line that the spleen-pancreas meridian of the person being tested has a lower energy, as well as the circulation meridian. Furthermore, there is an over energy, or ‘hyper’ condition. This imbalance is a typical representation of a dose of radiation. The spleen-pancreas meridian is among other things connected with the vegetative nervous system and the circulation meridian, which among other things is connected to the blood vessels. When the radiation load is removed, the values are improved and the body can recover. There are of course a variety of other disturbances which may be caused by radiation exposure.
위의 시험은 프로그노스 시험이다. 이는 피부 저항치를 통해 얻은 결과값이다.
In chart 2 is an example of a Prognos test with causes. Up to 15 of the approximately 18 existing causes can be fairly easily measured through skin resistance measurements whereby the state of the autonomic nervous system is established, as well as the condition of the meridian. Each meridian is associated with an organ, muscle group, vertebrae, tooth, emotion, chakra and a system (ie: immune system). With a green bar the cause is present and one can do something about it, with a red bar the cause is not present and one cannot do anything, or another cause should first be dealt with. This person must first remove the radiation load.
It also happens frequently that the triple-heater meridian, which is connected with the endocrine system, has low values. Usually through stimuli or other overloads of the hypothalamus, pituitary or pineal gland. There can be several underlying reasons , but also excessive radiation can affect this meridian and associated organs and/or systems.
In practice we see more and more young children with radiation exposure and the most diverse complaints including hyperactivity or chronically tiredness. Also with excessively crying babies the cause can be radiation (think of the baby monitor with DECT!).
위에 언급한 수치는 외부 전자파 신호에 의해서 인체가 심한 교란을 당한다는 사실을 보여준다.
As mentioned above, from measurements using different equipment, it appears that serious disturbances occur in a variety of bodily functions, which cause a variety of vague and unknown symptoms to appear that gradually increase.
좌측의 영상은 킬리안 사진술을 통해 정상적 상태를 촬영한 것이고 우측은 전자파에 노출된후 수시간 후에 촬영한 것이다 Kirlian camera measurement of the fingers of a person, before and after radiationexposure (Ref: Research Professor, Dr.. Konstantin Korotkov).
위의 사진은 전자파에 노출된후 인체 전자파 방사패턴이 왜곡되거나 상실되는 부분이 나타나는 것을 보여준다. 이런 것은 전자파가 인체의 미묘한 에너지 상태를 바꾼다는 사실을 보여준다.
Meanwhile from quantum physics it is widely known that the human body is not only a physical biochemical system, but also has an information field which controls various functions. This happens at a very subtle level. once various forms of radiation are released on the body, functions are disrupted, eventually leading to physical symptoms and/or complaints. Blood pressure changes due to the stimuli on the nervous system and also unexplained fatigue or hyperactivity can develop.
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모든 시기 중에서 가장 무서운 유행병으로부터 스스로를 지키는 법 : 4G와 LTE 휴대폰 인터넷과 와이파이 2
How to Protect Yourself From the Largest Pandemic of All Time: 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi 2
By Martin Möhrke
Apr 7, 2013 - 3:51:34 AM
오래전에 통신회사가 휴대폰 주파수 대역폭을 할당받기 위해서 정부에 막대한 돈을 지불할 때가 있었다. 그때 비용을 지출하면서 수익을 거두려면 통신회사의 휴대폰 기지국을 도무지 허용한계치를 도외시하며 설치해야만 했다. 그것은 원래 기지국 설립의 기준이 가정집으로부터 100미터 이내에 설치하면 안된다는 것임에도 무시되어 버린 것이다. 그것이 벌써 10년전의 일이다.
A number of years ago when the telecom companies were forced by the government to pay so much for the frequencies, the trade off was that they could place their towers anywhere without a permit request. That is in spite of the the fact that the original standard was set at 100 meters from a house, but that was 10 years ago.
당신은 무슨 일을 할 수있는가 ? What can you do?
되도록이면 휴대폰 통화를 하지말라. 만일 필요하다면 휴대폰에 선을 연결해서 그 선은 자석에 붙여놓아라. 그러면 휴태폰의 양측에 축적되는 전자파 방사패턴이 자석으로 회피되며 인체에 좀 덜 들어올 것이다. 그리고 상대방에게 말하길 나중에 집에 가서 유선전화를 써서 통화를 하겠다고 말하라. 또 자동차에서는 전화를 사용하지 말라!
Avoid as much as possible making calls with your mobile phone and if it is necessary, use a cord. Attach the cord to a magnet, available at any electronics store or tie a knot on the side of the phone. Send messages or call back later with a landline. Try not to call in the car!
당신의 와이파이 안테나는 꺼라, 블루투스나 3세대 통신기기는 가능한한 몸에서 멀리 하거나 사용하지말라. 당신은 3세대 휴대폰이 없어도 통화를 할 수있다. 3세대란 휴대폰으로 인터넷을 많이 하려는 이에게 필요할 뿐이다. 하드웨어와 소프트웨어, 또 블르투스와 컴터의 와이파이 스위치를 꺼버려라. 무선 장비는 되도록 피하라. 이것이 가능하지 않다면 와이파이 라우터 장비를 꺼버려라.
가정에서는 바이오 테스터 장비를 사용해보라. 이를 마음에 두었다가 어떤 장비가 무선전자파를 방사해서 몸을 교란시키는지 알아야한다. 예방이 최선이 치료책이다.
Turn off your WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G when not in use and keep your mobile on your body as little as possible. You can also call without 3G, it is only necessary if you use a lot of internet on your mobile.
Switch off, via both hardware and software, Bluetooth and WiFi on your computers, printers and other wireless devices and use only cables. If this is not possible, make sure that at least you switch off your WiFi router and all wireless transmitters at night (a timer costs around 10 euros). Consider having a bio-tester measure your home and advise you. With this in mind, do not allow just any manner of spheres, cubes or products to be foisted on you as protective solutions because measurements have shown that most devices have little or no effect on patients affected by radiation. There are to date only a few products found to consistantly help maintain the balance of the body and environment. Prevention is the best cure.
Make sure the Bluetooth in your car is completely off or remove the transmitter from your car. Most radios continuously transmit a Bluetooth signal looking for phones. Also most navigation systems use Bluetooth, turn it off as well. Don’t use a Bluetooth receiver in your ear!
If you have school age children, ask the school to limit /prohibit /abolish WiFi. There is now plenty of evidence that its use is ill advised. The WHO and the European Council concur on this. In Canada and several other countries, WiFi in schools is completely banned. In French schools it is banned for children under 14 years to have a mobile phone with them at all and/or to call with it. Has anyone ever wondered why children in the last decade are so hyper and display symptoms of ADHD? Children walk on rubber soles, go to school on plastic floors and receive continuous and excessive stimuli, mainly by radiation. The energy they receive cannot find a path to earth.
Do not use a DECT phone. Instead, use a phone with a cord or order a Eco + Low DECT, it switches off completely when not in use. Walk as much as possible barefoot or with leather soles, avoid rubber.
Do not use the microwave or at least ensure that you are more than 2.5 meters away from it, and leave no children in the vicinity of this appliance. It has also been shown that food is denatured thereby and no longer contains any energy value. So the microwave is also unsuitable for defrosting or heating baby food. Use water with a pH-value of 7.5 or higher.
당신의 가장 주요한 장소는 당신의 침실이다! The most important location, your bed!
한밤에는 편히 쉬어야하는데 낮보다 전자파 자극을 더 받아서는 안된다. 사람이 잘때는 전자파 방사와 전자파 자극에 200에서 400배 정도가 더 민감해진다. 당신의 침실과 아이의 침대가 어떤 전기 장치가 켜져있게 하지말라. 달리 말하면 전기 담요나, 전기 히터, 휴대폰 같은 것이 그 방에서 잠을 잘 때 켜져있어서는 안된다. 가끔 부지불식간에 켜져있는 경우가 있으니 아예 방안에 그것을 들여놓지를 말라.
당신이 휴대폰 기지국에 가까이 있거나 전력변압기나 배분실, 송전탑 가까이 있다면 이사를 가라. 당신은 그런 것으로 인해서 늘 민감해지고 피곤할 것이다. 모든 에너지를 전자파 방사를 회피하는데에 기울여라. 피씨와 와이파이는 회피해야 하는데 이런 것에 오래 노출되어 있다면 이런 증세가 올 것이다 :
At night we have to relax and not receive more stimuli than in the daytime. A person, when sleeping, is estimated to be 200 to 400 times more sensitive to radiation or other stimuli. Make sure your bed and your children’s beds have no electrical sources in the vicinity. In other words: no electric blanket, no waterbed heating, no adjustable bed by means of electric motors (unplug), and no electrically powered clock radio. Put your mobile phone in another room, or even better switch it off. If necessary, purchase a small battery driven alarm clock.
If you live near an electricity substation, pylon or within one kilometer of a cellular tower, consider adaptation /protection or relocation if necessary if you are very sensitive and always tired.
Pay attention to everything that gives off radiation. Many Personal Computers (PC) also have WiFi antennas that are often on throughout the day and yet not used. Even if your PC uses a wired internet connection check the configuration of your PC and make sure WiFi and/or Bluetooth functions are switched off.
Some symptoms of radiation exposure are:
- 만성 열증 Chronic fatigue
- 과잉 행동증상 Hyperactivity
- 새벽 3시에서 6시 사이에 잠에서 깨어나는 증세 Waking up between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
- 강한 꿈을 꾸거나, 이를 갈거나 몸이 요동한다 After intense dreams: teeth grinding or tossing
- 덥지도 않은데 땀을 흘린다 Sweating without being really warm, especially at night
- 잠들거나 손가 발이 욱신거린다 “Sleeping” or tingling hands and feet
- 다리와 머리뼈가 오그라든다 (마그네슘부족일수도 있음)Cramps in the feet or calves (can also be magnesium deficiency)
- 서있을 때 다리가 빳빳해짐 Stiffness or stiff legs when standing
- 소병이 적은데도 오줌이 마렵다 Urge to urinate with little urine produced
- 과호흡 증후군 Hyperventilation
- 숨이 짧아진다 Shortness of breath
- 가슴이 두근거린다 Palpitations
- 가슴과 어깨 턱이 갑갑해진다Cramped feeling that radiates from chest to shoulders and jaw
- 고혈압 High blood pressure
- 왼쪽 어깨가 딱딱함Rigid (usually) left shoulder
- 위와 가슴에 동요증세 A tingling sensation in stomach and chest
The physical symptoms are more often felt on the left than on the right side.
If the symptoms disappear after getting up and moving around, then think of electro-smog/radiation.
There are various clinics which can determine if you are over exposed to radiation.
There are also many products on the market claiming to remove radiation. A claim that is not true, because radiation removal is impossible. However, there are products on the market that make a measurable difference and create a harmonic field which the body can cope with more easily and that definitely deserves attention and further investigation. one example comes from Floww International. This is an innovative company which belongs to the top 100 innovative SMEs in Holland. The Floww health technology uses radiant energy and creates a new field with the body’s own frequencies which creates a natural field. They have a particularly surprising positive and measurable impact. There will soon be a comprehensive scientific university study started to examine the effects of these products.
You can also use an earthing sheet, which you put on your bed and connect to a ground by means of a wire. All the accumulated radiation in the body is immediately fed to ground and scientific research shows that in over 50% of cases inflammation and sicknesses heal faster. There are such products available for use on the bed and in the office. Also radiation loads from sources that cannot be switched off can be dealt with in this way.
Soon unfortunately 4G will be introduced, for superfast internet on your mobile. This frequency is so high that it will seriously affect our health. In about 2-3 years this will probably become clear as one in three people become seriously ill. Let your voice be heard and sign a petition to the Minister of Health that insists on investigation into the health risks of 4G before it is introduced! You also have the right to health and the government is obliged to protect us. This can be done by commissioning proper research and especially by setting up independent studies which are not financed by the telecom companies themselves.
Natural remedies
There are several remedies that can help to reduce radiation overload; Phosporus (radiation) Silicon (geopathy), Iodine (radiation) Magnesium phosporicum (radiation), various algae (UV and radioactivity).
In the clinic we see more and more patients in whom radiation overload is detected. After applying various measures or the use of certain products, we see improvement.
The long-term consequences could be much worse than those which we currently know or think of. Within the next two years we may talk about radiation just as ten years ago we spoke about asbestos. But because it is still unclear, it is advised to act preventively and eliminate as many sources of radiation as possible, to avoid 4G/LTE and not introduce it until it is clear that it is safe (and it is not).
It may be advisable to use some protective products and to be well grounded. But first have yourself tested by professionals to determine if you are suffering from radiation overload and to check the before and after effect of any products you choose.
In Russia, hundreds of studies on the effects of radiation have been done. Dr. Karl Hecht has translated more than 500 Russian publications including several on the effects of radiation. The government should be more accountable and engage in more and independent research. Industry should look to other forms of radiation that are safe for nature. But the road is still long and the hope is that there will be some great invention resulting in safe forms of radiation.
About the Author
Martin Möhrke, FAIM (Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine), is a pioneer in both mainstream and complementary medicine and specialized in medical diagnosis and therapy systems. In 2005 he moved as a GSM mast was placed behind his house. Around cell towers there is statistically a higher incidence of diseases with (un)explainable causes. He works weekly in the Preventive Medical Center in Rotterdam and measures patients who have unexplained symptoms with various medical, diagnostic and therapeutic systems and can thus show the effect of radiation (among others Prognos, NES Health, Varicor (HRV), Kirlian cameras, infrared cameras). In addition, he examines in collaboration with doctors, therapists and universities, various diagnostic and therapeutic systems or products for the FAIM (Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine), to determine their efficacy and effectiveness. Please visit
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[스크랩] 음부 명필 여인 (0) | 2014.02.22 |
[스크랩] 하와이 와이키키 해변 (0) | 2014.02.13 |
[스크랩] 러시아 Kazan의 겨울야경 (0) | 2014.02.13 |