돼지독감Swine Flu 현황 발생 지역(구글위성사진) 및 관련 실시간 업그레이드 뉴스
돼지 인플루엔자 감염 현황 실시간 업그레이드 구글 위성 사진 지도1 -
우측상단 ☞ Satellite 를 클릭하면 위성사진으로 열람가능. ☞
돼지 인플루엔자 감염 현황 구글 위성 사진 지도2
DAUM 뉴스 돼지 인플루엔자 감염 관련 뉴스
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Mexico City, Mexico (Update) | |
Mexico (Unidentified Region) 7 confirmed dead. Source: Asia one Health, Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova Date: 26 April 2009, 1:22am GMT | |
Baja California, Mexico 1 confirmed dead.
Source: El Universal (Spanish) Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
Oaxaca, Mexico 1 confirmed dead.
Source: El Universal (Spanish) Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
Tamaulipas, Mexico 1 unconfirmed dead. 4 unconfirmed cases. School suspension in the Antiguo Morelos, Nuevo Morelos and El Mante. Original source Translation Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
Dolores Hidalgo, GTO | |
Mexico City, Mexico 73 confirmed cases.
Source: El Universal (Spanish), (English translation) Date: 26 April 2009, 08:50 (Mexico Time) | |
Queens, NY, USA | |
Chihuahua, Mexico | |
Baja California, Mexico 25 confirmed cases.
Source: El Universal (Spanish) Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
Veracruz, Mexico 1 confirmed case. 23 suspected cases. First Confirmed Case and 23 Suspected Cases of Swine Influenza Reported in Veracruz. Source: Veratect, El Universal (Spanish) Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
Nueva León, Mexico | |
Oaxaca, Mexico 9 confirmed cases.
Source: El Universal (Spanish) Date: 26 Apr 2009 | |
San Diego County, CA, USA 5 confirmed cases. The California Center for Infectious Diseases has confirmed a fifth case of swine flu in San Diego County Source: cbs8.com Date: April 28, 2009 12:16 AM | |
Imperial County, CA, USA 5 confirmed cases (update) in Imperial County, CA. Source: cbs8.com Date: Apr 28, 2009 12:16 AM ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 confirmed cases of swine flu infection in Imperial County, CA. Source: Los Angeles Times Date: 26 April 2009 | |
Windsor, Nova Scotia (UPDATE #2) 4 confirmed cases. "mild" swine influenza confirmed in students who recently traveled to Mexico. Source: Canada.com Date: 26 Apr 2009 1:58 PM (ET) | |
Cibolo, TX, USA (Updated) 3 confirmed cases. Source: The Post Chronicle Updated: 26 Apr 2009, 16:56 GMT.
2 confirmed cases of swine flu infection. Source: Associated Press. Date: April 25, 2009, 3:14PM | |
Sonora, Mexico | |
Rio Grande City, Texas 2 confirmed cases. Rio Grande City Consolidated Independent School District officials close middle school due to two positive swine influenza cases. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 22:09 GMT | |
Dickinson County, KS, USA 2 confirmed cases in Dickinson County Kansas
Source: Wichita Eagle Date: 25 April 2009, 6:53PM local time | |
Scotland, UK 2 confirmed cases. It is understood two travellers were admitted to Monklands hospital in Airdrie after returning from Mexico on Tuesday. Source: BBC News Date: 26 April 2009 17:15 | |
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (UPDATE #3) | |
Almansa, Albacete, Spain (Updated) 1 confirmed case of infection.
Source: El Pais [Spanish original] [Automatic English translation]
Date: 26 April 2009 13:31 hours (Spainish time) | |
Richardson, TX, USA 1 confirmed case. 2 suspected cases. Dallas county health officials confirm swine influenza case in student from Canyon Creek Elementary School in Richardson. School has been closed to prevent further infections. Source: Veratect Date: April 27 2009 21:33 (GMT) | |
Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1 confirmed case. Source: http://www.infobae.com/c5n/index.html Date: 27 April 2009 22:37 GMT One suspected Swine Influenza case reported in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires Province. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 21:13 (GMT) | |
Ohio, USA 1 confirmed case in 9yr old boy [1] 1 suspected case [2] Sources: [1] WLWT News [2] "Suspected Case of Swine Influenza Under Investigation in Wood County, Ohio. If Confirmed, Will Be Second Confirmed Case in the State" - Veratect Date: April 27 2009 | |
Fair Oaks, CA. 1 confirmed case. Fair Oaks student Confirmed with Swine Flu Sacramento Catholic Diocese spokesman Kevin Eckery said, "A student had been on a trip to Mexico, came to school on Monday and later left school not feeling well on Monday afternoon." He said by Friday, several other students in the same 7th grade class were reporting similar symptoms. "We are recommended to use abundance of caution and (Sacramento County Public Health officials) have requested that we close the school at least until Thursday to stop the spread," the email read. "The Health Department has also recommended that the school remain closed until there is no incidence of new cases of respiratory illness for a week." http://www.news10.net | |
Bilbao, Spain 1 suspected case of swine flu. Will have confirmation in 48 hours.
Source: El Mundo (Spanish [and click here for google translation to English] Date: 26 April 2009 13:31 hours (Spainish time) | |
Girona, Spain 1 suspected case.
Source: El Pais (Spanish) (Here's an English translation) Date: 26 April 2009 | |
Teruel, Spain | |
Aragon, Spain 2 suspected cases. 22 and 24 yr old who just returned from a trip to Mexico. <P> Source: Eco Diario. [<a href = "http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/internacional/noticias/1197296/04/09/Siete-casos-sospechosos-de-gripe-porcina-en-Espana.html">Spanish</a>], [<a href = "http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fecodiario.eleconomista.es%2Finternacional%2Fnoticias%2F1197296%2F04%2F09%2FSiete-casos-sospechosos-de-gripe-porcina-en-Espana.html&sl=es&tl=en&history_state0=">English</a>] <P> Date: 26 Apr 2009, 20:49 (Spanish time) | |
Bogotá, Colombia | |
Cartagena de Indias, Columbia 3 suspected cases
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San Juan, Puerto Rico 1 suspected case, under examination at San Juan Hospital.
Source: El Nuevo Dia (Spanish) / English Translation Date: 26 Apr 2009, 14:06pm EST | |
San Luis Potosi, Mexico | |
Pachuca, Mexico 11 posibles casos de Influenza Porcina 11 suspected cases of Swine Flu Noticia en Español /New in Spanish | |
Tamaulipas, Mexico Date: 26 Apr 2009 Four unconfirmed cases and one fatality. School suspension in the Antiguo Morelos, Nuevo Morelos and El Mante. Original source Translation | |
New South Wales, Australia 5 people will be tested for swine flu.
Source: Illawarra Mercury Date: 27 Apr 2009, 3:26:00 PM (Australian time) FIVE Australians will be tested for swine flu with the results expected by the week's end, health authorities say. http://www.flutrackers.com/forum/showthread.php?p=223179#post223179 04/27/2009 8.00bst | |
Guanajuato, Mexico | |
Mallorca, Spain | |
Barcelona, Spain Date: 27 April 2009 | |
Granollers, Spain | |
Hellín, Spain | |
Navarre region, Spain Spain outbreak: There are other 17 possible cases in Cataluña, Baleares, Castilla y León, Bilbao, Valencia, Teruel and Navarra. Source: BNO News Date: 27 April 2009 10:09 GMT | |
Salamanca, Spain | |
Kfar Saba, Israel 1 suspected case.
"A 49-year-old man who returned to Israel from Mexico two days ago was admitted to Kfar Saba's Meir Hospital after suffering from a high temperature and other flu-like symptoms." Source: The Jerusalem Post Date: 27 Apr 2009 12:51 (Israel time) | |
Copenhagen, Denmark (Update) 4 people hospitalized at Hvidovre hospital. Source: Khaleej Times
Date: 27 Apr 2009, 13:05 (Danish time)
Source: BNO News Date: 27 April 2009 10:50 GMT | |
Aalborg, Denmark 1 man hospitalized with flu-like symptoms at Aalborg Hospital, Denmark.
Source: TV Nord [Danish] [English (Google Translate)] Date: 27 April 2009 11:32 (Danish time) | |
Coahuia, Mexico 10 people suspected to have swine influenza are hospitalized.
Source: Milenio [Spanish (original)] [English (google translate) Date: 26 Apr 2009, 23:24 (Mexico time) | |
Haugesund, Norway A man has been submitted into the Haugesund Hospital and is currently in isolation pending the results of possible swine influensa. Source: VG (Largest newspaper in Norway) Date: 27 April 2009 | |
Madrid, Spain | |
Livingston County, Michigan, US 1 probable case of swine influenza.
"A 34-year-old Livngston County woman may have Michigan's first case of the swine flu." Source: Ann Arbor News Date: 27 April 2009, 8:42 AM (EST) | |
Campdevànol, Spain | |
Sale, Manchester, UK 1 suspected case.
"Tests [are] being carried out on a Canadian woman who displayed flu-like symptoms while on a visit to Sale in Greater Manchester." Source: Times online Date: 27 April 2009 | |
Murcia, Spain 3 suspected cases. A 26-year-old man and a father with his son (who return from Mexico last Wednesday). Source: El País (Spanish) April, 27 2009 | |
Logroño, Spain | |
Taipei, Taiwan (Update) Update: 1 person cleared of swine flu, 6 still unknown
Source: M&C Healthnews Date: 27 Apr 2009, 14:39 GMT -----------------------
7 Suspect Cases - Veratect | |
Oaxaca, Mexico | |
Tromsø, Norway 2 admitted people cleared. no swine influensa. http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/artikkel.php?artid=542596 2 people admitted to the University Hospital in Northern Norway. Source: TV 2 Nyhetene [Original], [English (google translate)] Date: 27 Apr 2009, 16:52 (Norway time) | |
Netherlands Negative on travelers from Mexico. Unspecified number of travellers from Mexico with flu-like symptoms have been tested on swine influenza. Results were negative. http://www.rivm.nl/persberichten/2009/varkensgriep_in_nederland.jsp April 27th 2009 Netherlands: Unspecified number of suspected swine influenza cases reported. http://twitter.com/Veratect 1600 - April 27th | |
Budiriro, Zimbabwe Two deaths from "Mysterious flu-like bug". Results later this week.
Source: ZBC News Date: 21 Apr 2009 14:07:11 +0200 (Zimbabwe time) | |
Prague, Czech Republic Two suspected swine influenza cases at Motol Hospital in Prague. Developed influenza-like symptoms after Mexico visit. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 16:58 GMT | |
Prince Edward Island, Canada Eight potential cases of swine influenza identified on Prince Edward Island. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 17:06 GMT | |
Guatemala City, Guatemala Three suspected Swine Influenza case reported in Guatemala City. New source: La Prensa (Honduras) Date: 27 April 2009 17:09 | |
Sevilla, Spain | |
Huelva, Spain | |
Geneva, Switzerland This news cannot be confirmed, case is still "suspect". First confirmed Swine Influenza case in Switzerland. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 17:48 ---------------------------------- 5 suspected cases. "Five people are being examined for suspected swine flu in Switzerland, the Federal Health Office confirmed on Monday. All five are suffering from flu symptoms and have recently returned from Mexico." Source: Swiss Info Date: 27 Apr 2009 - 2:33 PM (Swiss time) | |
Gijón, Spain | |
Saskatchewan, SK, Canada 4 suspected cases.
Source: Newstalk 980 Date: 27 Apr 2009 - 8:22am (Saskatchewan time) | |
Lowell, Massachusetts | |
Irish Republic (Updated) Update: 1 negative, 3 pending
Source: AFP Date: 27 Apr 2009, 9:32 GMT ------------------------------ 4 suspected cases in the Irish Republic. People are being tested for the deadly swine flu, it has been confirmed. Health chiefs said a fifth sample tested for the virus which has been responsible for dozens of deaths in Mexico was negative. Professor Bill Hall, chair of Ireland's National Pandemic Influenza Expert Group, said the four suspected cases are not very ill and have not been admitted to hospital. "Suspected cases is a clinical diagnoses," said Prof Hall. "We receive the samples. We leave it up to the judgment of the physician or whoever is evaluating the patient to decide it was a test for this virus." Source: Tyrone Times Date: 27 April 2009 8:05 PM UTC | |
Shreveport, LA, USA 1 suspected case A woman admitted to LSU Hospital in Shreveport over the weekend showed symptoms of swine flu, KTBS News has learned. A blood sample taken from the woman was sent to the federal Centers for Disease Control for testing. Swine flu has not been confirmed, health officials said. Source: ktbs Date: April 27, 2009 03:13 PM | |
Belo Horizonte - MG [last update]Another suspect in the hospital [Portuguese] | |
Newberry, SC, USA After a senior trip to Mexico, three chaperones had swine flu symptoms. Two students who did not go were also ill The cases are unconfirmed. http://www.thestate.com/local/story/765267.html | |
Ontario, Canada | |
Moscow, Russia 1 suspected case. Source: Veratect "Russia: Suspected swine influenza case hospitalized in Moscow. Patient recently visited Mexico." | |
Queens, NY, USA 10+ suspected cases (still unverified) According to reports on Facebook and other social networking sites, Benjamin Cardozo HS has at least 10 students complaining of swine influenza symptoms. This is currently unconfirmed and may not be swine flu. The school is about 7 minutes away from St. Francis, the epicenter of all New York cases and shares three bus routes. This school is also one of the most overcrowded in the nation. Source: Facebook Date: April 27, 2009 | |
Poitiers, France 1 possible case | |
Lima, Peru 1 possible case http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N27497404.htm | |
Forth Worth, Texas, USA 1 suspected case. "Probable" swine influenza case in student from McLean Middle School, Forth Worth, Texas. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 21:03 GMT | |
Colorado, USA | |
Elmbrook/Franklin, WI, USA | |
Cortland County, NY, USA 1 suspected case Cortland County Health Department has announced one suspected case of swine influenza. Source: CNY Central Date: Monday, April 27, 2009 at 4:38 p.m. | |
Nassau County, NY, USA | |
Columbia, South Carolina, USA A dozen cases suspected A private school in South Carolina closed today and health officials were awaiting test results for swine flu after a dozen students returned from a trip to Mexico with flu-like symptoms. Newberry Academy closed the school today amid worldwide swine flu concerns, but school officials were optimistic the students would not test positive... Source: goupstate.com Date: April 27, 2009 at 9:58 a.m. | |
Ada/Madison/Freemont, Idaho, USA 4 suspected cases in Ada(1), Madison(2), and Freemont(1) counties. Source: KTVB News Date: 27 April 2009 21:36 (GMT) | |
North Carolina, USA Unknown number of suspected cases. Source: http://www.digtriad.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=123180&catid=57 Date: 27 April 2009 21:50 GMT | |
NORTH SHORE, UPDATE UPDATE: 56 more suspected cases are being probed as the World Health Organisation said there was now a significantly increased risk of an influenza pandemic. UPDATE: 10 people from the group [of 14 students, 2 parents, 2 staff] have tested positive for influenza A and are awaiting swine flu test results, expected back from Melbourne later this week. | |
Palm Springs, California, USA 2 suspected cases. Health officials state two individuals being tested for swine influenza at Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs. Source: Veratect Date: 27 April 2009 22:22 GMT | |
Kent County, Michigan, USA | |
6 suspected cases in Belgium Update: All 6 coming back negative 2 from Brussel, 1 from Vlaams-Brabant, 1 Waals-Brabant, 1 from Oost-Vlaanderen and 1 from Limburg. 27-4-09 http://www.knack.be/nieuws/belgie/zes-verdachte-gevallen-van--mexicaanse-griep--in-belgie/site72-section24-article32724.html translation: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.knack.be%2Fnieuws%2Fbelgie%2Fzes-verdachte-gevallen-van--mexicaanse-griep--in-belgie%2Fsite72-section24-article32724.html&sl=nl&tl=en&history_state0= | |
Sweden 5 people in sweden confirmed *not* to have any influenza.
Source: DN.se. [Swedish] Date: 27 Apr 2009, 22:47 CEST | |
Tourcoing, France 3 suspected cases.
Source: 20 Minutes France. (English Translation) Date: 26 April 2009, 16:01 (French time) http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2009/04/26/01011-20090426FILWWW00189-grippe-porcine-plus-qu-un-cas-en-france.php added 26 April 2009, 22:40 (French time)
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Bielefeld, Germany Germany have found three suspected cases of swine flu, local health authorities Wrong informations edited! | |
Auckland, New Zealand UPDATE: 3 Students have tested negative for Influenza A after returning from a school trip to Mexico.
Source: STUFF
Date: 28 April 2009, 08:50 NZST | |
Coyhaique, Chile 1 suspect case discarded. Subsecretaria de Salud Pública: "En Chile no tenemos ningún caso" de gripe porcina Lunes 27 de Abril de 2009 Date: April 27 2009 | |
Venice, Italy 1 person tests negative for swine flu.
Source: Corriere Della Sera, [Italian (original)], [English (google translation)].
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Hong Kong Hong Kong: Potential swine influenza cases identified.- From Veratect http://biosurveillance.typepad.com/.a/6a01053695fa5c970b01157053d90d970b-pi | |
San Jose, Costa Rica 1 case under investigation at Calderón Guardia hospital. (4 dismissed)
Source: Inside Costa Rica Date: 26 April 2009 | |
Zielona Gora, Poland 1 suspected case: woman with flu hospitalized after holiday in Mexico. Source: gazeta.pl | |
Allegan County, MI, USA 1 suspected case Health officials in Allegan County have confirmed a suspect case of swine flu. The person in question had recently traveled to Mexico, and was exhibiting influenza-like symptoms. That person has been tested, and now the state is reviewing those test results. Source: wwmt.com Date: April 27, 2009 - 7:06 PM |
'세상만사 이모저모 > (구)세상사 이모저모' 카테고리의 다른 글
건강한 20~40대만 사망 ‘미스터리’ / SI 비상, 뉴욕 `제2 진원지' 우려 (0) | 2009.04.29 |
윤설희, 주지훈,예학영외 연예인 등이 마역사건연루 입건 (0) | 2009.04.28 |
멕시코 중부에 규모 5.6 강진 발생 (0) | 2009.04.28 |
멕시코 독감( Swine Flu) 사망자수 진실 축소됐다 (0) | 2009.04.28 |
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