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당신이 커피를 끊으면 안되는 이유

by 현상아 2011. 3. 10.


심장에 좋다
하루에 1잔에서 3잔 사이의 커피를 마시는 사람들은 커피를 마시지 않는 사람들에 비해 뇌졸중 위험이 낮다는 연구 결과가 있다. 이는 커피에 들어 있는 항산화 물질의 효과로 해석되고 있다. 비슷한 양으로 따지면 커피에 항산화 물질이 블루베리보다 더 많이 들어 있다는 놀라운 사실. 커피의 항산화 물질은 혈관에 염증을 억제하는데 탁월한 효과를 발휘한다고. 커피를 마신 직후에는 심장 박동수와 혈압이 상승하는데, 장기적으로는 혈압을 낮추는 효과를 가져온다. 이는 커피에 든 항산화 물질이 산화 질소를 활성화 시켜 혈관을 넓혀주는 작용을 하기 때문이다.

당뇨를 예방한다
커피의 항산화 물질은 그외에도 다른 이로움을 제공한다. 바로 세포의 인슐린 민감성을 높여주는 효과다. 세포의 인슐린 민감도가 높아지면 혈당 통제력이 늘어난다. 실제로 매일 커피를 4잔 이상 마시는 사람은 2형 당뇨병에 걸릴 확률이 더 낮은 것으로 연구 결과 나타났다. 하지만 커피의 카페인은 인슐린 민감도를 떨어뜨린다는 연구 결과도 있으니 당뇨를 예방하려면 디카페인 커피를 먹는 것이 더 효과적이다.

간에 좋다
커피를 자주 마시는 사람들은 그렇지 않은 사람들에 비해 간경병증(cirrhosis) 같은 간 질환에 걸릴 확률이 더 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 매일 커피 2잔이면 간암에 걸릴 확률이 43% 줄어든다는 연구 보고도 있다. 이 또한 항산화 클로로겐 산과 카페인 산의 작용으로, 이 물질이 간에 염증과 종양이 생기는 것을 막아준다고.

머리에 좋다
하루에 1잔에서 5잔의 커피를 마시면 (이는 사람에 따라 크게 다르다), 치매/알츠하이머 발병률을 낮출 수 있다는 연구 보고가 있다. 심지어 파킨슨 병의 발병률도 낮추는 것으로 나타났다고. 커피는 뇌세포의 파괴를 막고 신경전달물질을 활성화시켜 인지 능력을 증폭시켜 준다.

두통에 듣는다
200밀리그램의 카페인 (커피 450그램 분량)을 먹으면 편두통을 비롯한 각종 두통에 효과가 있다는 연구 보고가 있다. 커피가 왜 두통을 치유하는지에 대해선 정확히 밝혀지지 않았다. 다만 과학자들은 카페인이 뇌세포들을 활성화시켜 주변에 혈관을 수축시키고 이것이 두통을 해소하는데 도움이 되는 것으로 추정하고있다.



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출처 : By Kerri-Ann Jennings, M.S., R.D., Associate Nutrition Editor at EatingWell Magazine

I really like coffee. The morning ritual of brewing a cup, the smell that perks me up before I take a sip and, of course, the flavor all make it my favorite beverage aside from water (water’s delicious!). As a registered dietitian and a nutrition editor for EatingWell Magazine, I know that coffee is fine in moderation. It has lots of antioxidants and is low in calories if you don’t load it up with cream and sugar. Nonetheless, I always feel slightly guilty about drinking it—you know, in a “it’s so good, it must be bad” kind of way.

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Which is why I’m always delighted to hear of new reasons that coffee is good for your health...and there are plenty! Over 18,000 studies on coffee have been published in the past few decades, revealing these benefits, many of which Joyce Hendley wrote about in the March/April issue of EatingWell Magazine:

Recipes to Try: Hot Fudge Pudding Cake and Other Coffee-Infused Recipes
Don’t Miss: How to Brew a “Greener” Cup of Coffee

1. It protects your heart: Moderate coffee drinkers (1 to 3 cups/day) have lower rates of stroke than noncoffee drinkers, an effect linked to coffee’s antioxidants. Coffee has more antioxidants per serving than blueberries, making it the biggest source of antioxidants in American diets. All those antioxidants may help suppress the damaging effect of inflammation on arteries. Immediately after drinking it, coffee raises your blood pressure and heart rate, but over the long term, it actually may lower blood pressure as coffee’s antioxidants activate nitric oxide, widening blood vessels.

2. It diverts diabetes: Those antioxidants (chlorogenic acid and quinides, specifically) play another role: boosting your cells’ sensitivity to insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee each day may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. Other studies have shown that caffeine can blunt the insulin-sensitivity boost, so if you do drink several cups a day, try mixing in decaf occasionally.

Must-Read: 4 Diet-Busting Coffee-Shop Drinks (and What to Drink Instead)

3. Your liver loves it: OK, so the research here is limited, but it looks like the more coffee people drink, the lower their incidence of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. one analysis of nine studies found that every 2-cup increase in daily coffee intake reduced liver cancer risk by 43 percent. Again, it’s those antioxidants—chlorogenic and caffeic acids—and caffeine that might prevent liver inflammation and inhibit cancer cells.

4. It boosts your brain power: Drinking between 1 and 5 cups a day (admittedly a big range) may help reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as Parkinson’s disease, studies suggest. Those antioxidants may ward off brain cell damage and help the neurotransmitters involved in cognitive function to work better.

5. It helps your headaches: And not just the withdrawal headaches caused by skipping your daily dose of caffeine! Studies show that 200 milligrams of caffeine—about the amount in 16 ounces of brewed coffee—provides relief from headaches, including migraines. Exactly how caffeine relieves headaches isn’t clear. But scientists do know that caffeine boosts the activity of brain cells, causing surrounding blood vessels to constrict. one theory is that this constriction helps to relieve the pressure that causes the pain, says Robert Shapiro, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of neurology and director of the Headache Clinic at the University of Vermont Medical School.

Now, that’s not to say that coffee doesn’t have any pitfalls—it does. Some people are super-sensitive to caffeine and get jittery or anxious after drinking coffee; habitual coffee drinkers usually develop a tolerance to caffeine that eliminates this problem (but they then need the caffeine to be alert and ward off withdrawal headaches). Coffee can also disturb sleep, especially as people age. Cutting some of the caffeine and drinking it earlier in the day can curb this effect. Lastly, unfiltered coffee (like that made with a French press) can raise LDL cholesterol, so use a filter for heart health.

But if you like coffee and you can tolerate it well, enjoy it...without the guilt.

Community Poll: How much coffee do you drink every day?

By Kerri-Ann Jennings

Kerri-Ann, a registered dietitian, is the associate editor of nutrition for EatingWell magazine, where she puts her master’s degree in nutrition from Columbia University to work writing and editing news about nutrition, health and food trends. In her free time, Kerri-Ann likes to practice yoga, hike, bake and paint.
