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명백히 더러운 교토 대학의 기숙사 내부를 슬쩍 보자(CNN)

by 현상아 2011. 4. 14.

요시다 료:1913에 준공된...쿄토 대학 기숙사 안쪽은 황폐 하고, 노쇠 되고, 완전히 더러운... 최초로, 1개월에 대해 2,500엔의 최저가로 아직 학생 불법 점거자에게 주택을 공급하는...



Google 어스에서 위성사진으로 본 요시다 료 기숙사의 구조



대체의학자연정혈요법어혈제거치료혁명JC요법 토종자연원리7가지공식으로기적의영어암기비법(샘플및후불제증명)

高영양배아미발명특허완전진공포장쌀벌레방지비상식량가능'왕눈쌀눈쌀'농산물직거래한국품앗이클럽 유망직종자격증정보지원




 The front entrance to Yoshida-ryō.



 PA system in the reception room. Although it seems to be powered, I am not aware of it having been used in recent memory.



 While little of the building is in as poor a state of disrepair as the front wall of the cafeteria, this is a striking example of how badly repairs are needed for Yoshida-ryō to survive. This is also the first area that residents (and former residents) will try to repair themselves, as a pilot project to see if the plan is at all realistic.



The architecture is fairly typical for similarly utilitarian buildings of early 20th century Japan.



 The plumbing works, but it could use a paint job.



 The videogame room is one of the many common areas in Yoshida-ryō. Others include the mahjong room, manga library, billiards room, cafeteria, and of course the entrance area.


 Another view of the videogame room.

 Rooms may be small, but there are decades of accumulated entertainment media to amuse those who can''t find the space to keep their own.


Despite the mess, fresh groceries are a common site in Yoshida-ryō.


The mahjong room.


 The area surrounding the dormitory is also not maintained by the school.


Electrical wiring, and of course Ethernet, is a later addition. The hallways are used for appliances and other storage to save space, and cooking stations are located there.


 The exposed veranda and large number of windows reminds us that this dormitory shares the same approach to airflow as traditional Japanese homes.


A typical room, currently unassigned. Notice that it has doors leading to the inner hallway and directly outside.


 Same room, inside. The floor area is six tatami mats, although the actual tatami in some rooms has been removed to expose the bare wood.


A cooking area can be seen on the right hand side of the frame.


 A temporary food/drink tent set up just outside Yoshida-ryō during one of their festivals.


College students building robots in the cafeteria of a century-old decrepit Japanese dormitory is a scene that should be in a William Gibson novel.




대체의학자연정혈요법어혈제거치료혁명JC요법 토종자연원리7가지공식으로기적의영어암기비법(샘플및후불제증명)






 The kitchen of the old cafeteria is now mainly used as a band rehearsal space. There is a sign-up sheet by the door, and reservations can also be made by non-residents with advance permission.

A scene from a play, on a stage erected in the old cafeteria. The space is frequently used for parties and performances.

Read more: Yoshida-ryo dormitory at Kyoto University | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/tokyo/sleep/yoshidaryo-japans-most-famously-decrepit-dormitory-179885#ixzz1JLjMacyO


