玄하늘공간, 생명의 원료인 모든 별 빛들 ,자연들 과 함께 서로 존경, 사랑,믿음,도움,위로,격려,양보,이해 하며 어우러지며...
100배 빠른, 영어공식7
내 병은 내가 고친다!
Self Portrait(자화상)- 피카소 작품감상
First Communion, 1895-96, oil on canvas, Museo : Picasso, Barcelona. Self Portrait, 1899-1900, charcoal on paper, Museo : Picasso, Barcelona. Self Portrait: Yo Picasso, 1901, oil on canvas, private collection. La Vie (Life), 1903, oil on canvas, Cleveland Museum of Art. The Tragedy, 1903, oil on wood, National Gallery of Art, : Washington D.C. Woman with a Crow, 1904, charcoal, pastel, and wate..
2007. 8. 15.